Gold standard and functional sign-off for your memory IP.

Proven on thousands of customer designs for more than 20 years.

IoT, data centers, AI, networking, autonomous vehicles, cryptocurrency infrastructure, and the like are making data a critical asset in today’s business dynamics. These vertical segments are creating an explosion of data requirements and are necessitating a shift in system architectures. Industries are entering the dawn of a major inflection point where memory systems are required to process data compliant to ever-changing protocol standards and optimize application-specific bandwidth, latency, throughput, and power specifications. This change is increasing the complexity and risk related to ensuring a new system design can be made available in the correct market window with the correct technology and an architecture that ensures market leadership.

Memory Models diagram

Memory Models with high accuracy and completeness. With Cadence leading-edge protocol support, you can be first to market with the latest technology.

Project risks reduction

Reduce risk with high-quality, vendor-certified memory models for pre-silicon verification

Efficient project resources

ocus resources on proprietary added value by offloading verification standard interfaces

Cadence expertise

Leverage extensive Cadence verification expertise actively participating in JEDEC and other memory standard bodies to ensure highest quality

Out-of-the-art verification capabilities

Advanced verification and debugging capabilities

Second source evaluation

Verify design operation across multiple second-source memory options


Support for all commercial verification tools, languages, and methodologies

Memory VIP Protocols

The Cadence® Memory Model portfolio supports customers developing SoCs for automotive, hyperscale data center, and mobile applications: