Innovate with Confidence: Cadence Services, Your Global Semiconductor Partner for Expert Solutions

Welcome to Cadence Services, your premier partner in semiconductor innovation. Collaborate with us to advance your projects through expert guidance on methodology, technology adoption, silicon enablement, and talent development. Our world-class engineering teams, with 20+ years of experience, specialize in analog/RF, mixed-signal, custom digital, and complex SoC design, addressing diverse industry segments globally.

Proven across wired, wireless, medical, automotive, military/aerospace, and consumer electronics, we excel in process geometries down to 6nm and below. Experience our turnkey engagement model, ensuring on-time delivery with the expected quality. Trust Cadence, a seasoned partner that has shipped millions of production-worthy silicon to customers worldwide.

Design Expertise with Cadence Services

There are unique challenges in developing cutting-edge devices, we offer comprehensive support in key focus areas. Trust Cadence for unparalleled expertise and innovative solutions, guiding you through every facet of integrated circuit design with precision and excellence.

  • Advanced Power Efficiency: Tailored solutions for high-performance and ultra-low-power devices, optimizing energy consumption.
  • Integrated Mixed-Signal Expertise: Specialized focus on complex mixed-signal design and seamless integration.
  • Manufacturability Mastery: Proven solutions for smooth migration to advanced nodes, ensuring manufacturing success.
  • Verification Excellence: Comprehensive functional verification for both digital and mixed-signal designs, guaranteeing project success.
  • Custom Design Innovation: Pioneering process design kit creation for advanced custom design, pushing the boundaries of innovation.
  • Adaptive Technology Foundations: Building design foundations for emerging technologies, staying ahead in the dynamic semiconductor landscape.

Streamlining communication and expert collaboration

At Cadence, effective collaboration is fundamental to our services. Our unique infrastructure, featuring secure "collaboration chambers," provides global access to engineering capabilities, ensuring a predictable environment for both Cadence and your team. Navigating common functions across platforms and mixed-signal systems, we leverage internally developed IP for accelerated chip development, offering a head start in any industry or application.

Engineering innovation into results requires a seamless blend of out-of-the-box thinking and reliable execution. Our seasoned professionals, thriving on challenges, embrace collaborative culture and effective communication across time zones.

Ready to Get Started?

Advanced Service Methods for Semiconductor Excellence

Methodology and Technology Adoption

Leverage our extensive expertise in production-proven methodologies for quick adoption of advanced technologies, optimizing their use and reducing risk

Design Services

Collaborate with us to achieve your design goals, whether it's developing power-efficient SoCs, complex mixed-signal designs, or key infrastructure components

Talent Development

Equip your teams with essential skills through diverse services, including training, design collaborations, and knowledge transfer, staying at the forefront of industry advancements.

Full Chip Design Outsourcing

Ensure success with our seasoned team, accessing industry tools, IP, and fabrication for comprehensive chip design outsourcing

Empowering Efficient Design with Cadence Services

Cadence Services is dedicated to optimizing your design capabilities. Our world-class engineering teams deliver advanced, production-proven design systems for custom, digital, and complex SoC designs. Collaborate with us on methodology, design, and training to tailored solutions to your specific needs, ensuring success in meeting broader business and project goals.

Explore our expertise in SoC, ASIC & FPGA, Mixed-Signal & RF, RF and Millimeter Wave, Metrics-Based Verification, Physical Design & Silicon Realization, Platforms & IP for unparalleled solutions tailored to your success.


  • Accelerated Tool Adoption
  • Standardized Design Systems and Flows
  • Advanced Design Methodologies
  • Design Team Outsourcing and Support
  • Custom PDK Development and Enablement
  • Advanced SiP Technologies, including 3D-IC
  • Transition to Advanced Process Nodes
  • Advanced Functional Verification
  • DFM Support and Validation
  • Library Characterization
  • Design Team Ramp-Up

Your Trusted Design Partner

Years of Success
Successful products across 70+ design processes
First-pass silicon success for SoCs

Delivering with Cadence Services


  • Pre-packaged and custom-developed production-proven methodologies and environments to address customer design challenges and help designers accelerate technology-specific product development
  • Silicon-proven and customizable digital and analog/mixed-signal design components along with hardware/software verification IP
  • VCAD collaboration infrastructure provides secure networked chambers for project collaboration, giving customers access to our engineering capabilities, regardless of geography
  • Centers of Excellence to maximize customer access to our engineering expertise and capabilities.

Contact us to discuss your unique design challenges and unlock the full potential of your projects.