
As technology helps us more and more, we need to be able to trust it to operate safely and securely, whether in a medical device, a vacuum cleaner, an industrial robot, or a car. Functional safety (FuSa) is a specialized engineering discipline that focuses on keeping system failures from causing unsafe behaviors through active detection and either correction or mitigation.

Key Benefits

  • Certified Tensilica Processor Safety Package eases IP integration and device certification activities
  • IP certified as a SEooC against random failures to ASIL-B and ASIL-D standards
  • Hardware and software FuSa design and management processes certified to ASIL-D
  • ISO 26262 compliance certified by independent third-party assessors


Certified ISO 26262:2018-Compliant Tensilica Functional Safety Products:

Tensilica Processor Safety Package

  • FuSa-certified processor
  • Hardware Safety Kit – Certificate, Safety Manual, Qualitative FMEDA, and Hardware Verification Report
  • Software Safety Kit – Certificate, Safety Manual and Software Verification Report, and C/C++ toolchain plus XTOS, HAL, and libraries

FuSa-Certified XOS Multitasking Kernel


Certified Processor Packages and FuSa XOS configurations are currently available for the following Tensilica products:

Xtensa Processors for Functional Safety Applications with Full ASIL-D Compliance

Cadence® Tensilica® Xtensa® Processors with FlexLock are now certified for full Automotive Safety Integrity Level D (ASIL-D) compliance, with both ASIL-D systematic and ASIL-D random fault protection for use in Functional Safety (FuSa) applications.