Efficient DC Analysis for IC Package and PCB Signoff

To ensure you achieve reliable power delivery, Cadence Celsius PowerDC technology provides efficient DC analysis for signoff of IC package and PCB designs, including electrical/thermal co-simulation, to maximize accuracy. Celsius PowerDC technology quickly pinpoints excessive IR drop, with areas of excess current density and thermal hotspots, to minimize your design’s risk of field failure.

Celsius PowerDC screenshot
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Fast, Accurate DC Analysis Provides Sufficiency, Efficiency, and Stability for Power Needs

Easy-to-Deploy Workflow

Ideal for occasional users and experts alike


Highly accurate, even for complex designs with multiple voltage domains and complex plane structures, providing conclusive IR drop analysis for package and board

Save Time and Budget

Avoid costly implementations, engineering delays, and field failures

Lower Costs, Reduce Delays, and Prevent Field Failures

  • Automatically set up DC simulations using PowerTree Technology data (source/sink definitions) captured at the schematic stage of the design process
  • Identifies difficult-to-locate highly resistive routing neck-downs and finds the one via among thousands that will fail under stress
  • Determines if it is possible to reduce plane layers without adding DC or thermal reliability risk
  • Assesses multi-structure PCB and package designs along with chip-level information
  • Considers what-if improvement options with a unique block-diagram results view and a range of visualization options
  • Patented automation to pinpoint the best remote sense line location
  • Comprehensive support for multi-structure designs, including stacked die, multiple boards, and all popular package types
  • Visualize the power portion of your schematics with PowerTree technology data
  • Run pre-layout simulation without copper using PowerTree technology data to help select components that meet design criteria
  • Optimized for flows with Allegro X Advanced Package Designer and its SiP Layout Option and Allegro PCB Designer
  • Readily used in Mentor, Zuken, and Altium flows, accepting a mix of CAD databases where needed for multi-structure design support

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