Meet Advanced IC Package Design Schedule Challenges with In-Design Analysis

18 January 2024

In today's fast-paced landscape, the heterogeneous integration of chips/chiplets adds layers of complexity to the IC package design process. Design teams face unprecedented challenges meeting tight schedules without compromising on quality or performance.

Discover how to streamline your design process by shifting signal and power integrity (SI/PI) analysis earlier in the design cycle. Instead of passing a completed design to SI/PI experts for inspection, Cadence’s Allegro X platform’s in-design analysis integration capabilities empower design teams to improve design quality from the beginning, saving valuable time and resources by eliminating costly re-spins.

In this webinar, you'll learn:

  • The latest advancements in Cadence in-design analysis software
  • Insights into a guided, user-friendly workflow for tackling electrical complexities
  • Techniques for optimizing efficiency and reducing design iterations
  • Strategies for slashing non-recurring engineering budgets without compromising on quality

Watch now to elevate your IC package design prowess and stay ahead in today's competitive market.

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