CFD Meshing and Pre-Processing

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is used in today’s design processes to improve and increase the efficiency of products without relying on time-consuming and expensive physical testing. Over the last decade, tools and methods have been constantly improved to increase productivity and reduce time to results. The latest revolution came from GPU acceleration for CFD solvers, providing up to 10 times speed-up. Despite these solver performance improvements, one of the biggest challenges engineers face in their daily work remains: up to 80% of the engineering time is still spent on geometry pre-processing and meshing.

With Cadence Fidelity CFD software, engineers can overcome this bottleneck. Advanced automation and best practices cut your pre-processing and meshing time from days to hours and create high-fidelity meshes with 100% viscous layers coverage for highly accurate results.

CFD Meshing and Pre-Processing cars
cubes image

High-Speed CFD Pre-Processing

Poor-quality CAD or highly complex geometries require lengthy preparation and set-up time and a lot of manual input for a high-quality mesh. Especially, with various design alternatives or for running design of experiments (DoE), this quickly becomes a laborious task.

Fidelity automates the entire clean-up and sealing process without losing any detail of the geometry. Even the most complex geometries, which used to take a week of intensive manual work to prepare, now take less than a day to be fully preprocessed—without simplifying the underlying geometry.

  • Fidelity supports all common CAD and tessellated formats
  • Includes comprehensive geometry repair and defeaturing
  • Provides automated grouping for optimal geometry tree organization
CAD to watertight image
From CAD to watertight geometry in less than an hour

Honda Demonstrates Major Breakthrough in Meshing Speed with Autoseal

“Where a skilled engineer typically needed one full week to close all the holes of the cabin space before, now this whole process is brought down to just about one hour with AutoSeal.”

Akio Takamura
Chief Engineer at Honda Automotive

High-Accuracy Mesh Generation

Realize your CFD potential with high-fidelity mesh generation—benefit from dedicated workflows and best practices for your specific application. Fidelity offers fully interactive or automated meshing for Volume-to-Surface (V2S) and Surface-to-Volume (S2V) mesh generation. 

Fast and reliable

Strong automation and fast and robust algorithms ensure reliable and high-quality mesh generation for most complex geometries.

Mesh Optimization

Fidelity has advanced algorithms that optimize and smoothen meshes to meet CFD solver quality criteria, such as skewness, non-orthogonality, and adjacent volume ratio, among others. These optimizations are crucial for achieving optimal results using Fidelity, Fluent, OpenFOAM, and other similar solvers.

Higher Accuracy

Optimized volume and boundary layer meshes result in fewer numerical errors and high-fidelity results. Capture all relevant physics with high-quality viscous layers and constant boundary layer growth.

Faster Solver Convergence

Fidelity’s high-quality meshes lead to more robust computations and improved solver convergence— resulting in faster time to results

Wide Range of Meshing Options

Fidelity provides a wide range of meshing options: full hexahedral meshes with hanging nodes, mixed element conformal meshes, and much more. It offers two techniques for high-quality viscous layer generation to ensure 100% viscous layer insertion: the inflation or the extrusion method.

Anisotropic Meshing

Anisotropic Meshing image
Image courtesy of Ascendance Flight Technologies
  • Optimized mesh for physics and geometric features (Leading, trailing edge)
  • Highest accuracy with dramatic reduction of cell count thanks to anisotropic meshes

Boundary Layer

Boundary Layer image
Image courtesy of Toyota Motor Europe NV/SA
  • Reliable and high-quality boundary layer meshing
  • Ensure 100% viscous layer insertion for S2V and V2S methods

Hybrid Meshing

Hybrid Meshing image
  • Seamlessly combine structured and unstructured meshing in one single project
  • The Fidelity Flow solver is designed to understand both mesh technologies automatically. No conversion from structured to unstructured is needed, the transition from meshes to the solver is direct, and the flow solver uses the best of the combination of structured and unstructured grids.

Mesh Export

Mesh Export image
  • Support for 30+ most common CAE solvers (commercial and academic)
  • One-click export to OpenFOAM

 Distributed Parallel Meshing

Distributed Parallel Meshing image
  • Leverage parallel and scalable mesh generation
  • Generate high-quality meshes with 100M cells in minutes

Toyota Drastically Reduces Simulation Time with Automatic CFD Pre-Processing

“Fidelity enabled us to reduce our total lead time by 91% while consistently providing high-quality meshes with excellent layer coverage."

Antoine Delacroix
Toyota Motor Europe NV/SA

Application-specific meshing

Select from dedicated workflows and benefit from best practices for your specific application.


Aerospace image
Image courtesy of Flying Whales
  • High-quality surface mesh generation
  • Efficiently capture flow details at the leading and trailing edge with anisotropic surface mesh
  • Optimal boundary layer capturing with an S2V approach
“We picked Cadence Hexpress as mesher and preprocessor of the OpenFOAM library of solvers. It allows us to generate high-quality meshes with full boundary layer coverage in a short amount of time without needing an extensive amount of training. The meshes generated have shown excellent optimization with respect to OpenFOAM mesh quality metrics and allowed us to generate very consistent results."

Flying Whales


Automotive image
Image courtesy of Hopium
  • Automated workflows for large and complex geometries with V2S
  • Automatically handle unclean geometries closing with AutoSeal
  • Creation of boundary layers with 100% surface walls coverage
"Meshing tools cover a wide range of simulation cases. Fidelity Hexpress enables quick and hands-off mesh generation, while Fidelity Pointwise offers more manual control over surface and volume grids."


Thermal Management

Thermal Management image
Image courtesy of Honda
  • Automatic multi-domain mesh generation for conjugate heat transfer (CHT) applications
  • Conformal connections between solid/fluid interface to avoid interpolation error
  • Include optimized thin wall meshing

Learn more about how Honda uses Fidelity CFD for thermal management simulation.


Marine image
  • Dynamic and adaptive grid refinement
  • Mesh deformation or overset meshing to handle the 6DOF solver
  • Anisotropic fully hexahedral mesh for free surface capturing


Interactive Workflow and Python Automation

Fidelity provides an interactive workflow from geometry import and cleanup to sealing and high-fidelity mesh generation. With instantaneous mesh preview, users get a sneak preview of the mesh before even starting the grid generation process.

Fidelity’s Python API provides access to all features available in the Fidelity GUI. Automate your CAD cleanup and meshing or your entire CFD workflow with Fidelity Python scripting for headless operation.

Learn how to boost your productivity with Python programming and scripting for Fidelity CFD.

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