Fidelity Pointwise for
CFD Meshing

With pre-processing excellence, your projects will always stay structured.

Fidelity Pointwise CFD Mesh Generation

Cadence Fidelity Pointwise utilizes industry leading mesh generation techniques as well as geometry model preparation capabilities for high fidelity characterization of the fluid domain.

If you ask any engineer or computational fluid dynamics (CFD) enthusiast, meshing is the most time-intensive part of the CFD workflow with one of the highest impacts. We know that the process can be time-intensive but is vital to ensuring high-accuracy and high-efficiency CFD simulations moving forward.

Save Time and Improve Fidelity With Excellent Quality Mesh Generation

Depending on where you are in your production cycle, you might be looking for fundamentally different highlights in your CFD tools. Whether you’re in final verification and want the utmost accuracy or are just starting out in your simulations and want speed and computational efficiency, Fidelity Pointwise has what you need. 

Hybrid, Overset, and High-Order Meshes

With meshes growing into the hundreds of millions and even billions of cells, having an assortment of hexahedral, overset, and high-order cell definitions enables explorative examination. 

Ease of Interface With Any Simulation Workflow

Fidelity Pointwise recognizes that CFD users will often be getting the best available solution from a multitude of products and ensures that you will maintain access to your top quality meshes no matter the workflow. 

Mesh Import and Export Priority

Working between geometry models and different software requires ease of import and export priorities, and we have built Fidelity Pointwise to have just that. 

Customizable Scripting and Templates

With anything monotonous and repetitive we want to have the ability to custom script or code your own solution to this within our Fidelity Pointwise environment.

Fidelity Pointwise Technologies Changing the World

Realize your CFD potential with the utmost in mesh generation, geometry preparation, and pre-processing fidelity. Peruse through our video library for webinars and demonstrations for what Fidelity Pointwise can do in your CFD workflow.

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Acquire Your Next
Resolution for CFD

Fidelity Pointwise

Fidelity Pointwise is a stand-alone CFD mesh generator providing the full range of functionality from geometry model preparation, mesh generation using a variety of techniques, and compatibility with a broad range of flow solvers.

Apply Everything You Could Want Into Any Workflow

Fidelity Pointwise provides excellence in CFD meshing technology. We recognize that anyone working in a CFD environment is likely to have multiple sets of direct interfaces, and Fidelity Pointwise is intended to provide Cadence excellence from many geometry models to most simulation engines or solvers.


高品質なメッシュを作成するためには、試行回数が必要です。Fidelity Pointwiseで利用可能なセル定義により、あらゆるメッシュを試すことが可能になります。

Pointwise Car Mesh




Casing Mesh

従来の機械系CADシステムで使用されているB-Rep NURBS(非均一有理基底スプライン)でも、設計ソフトウェアや3Dスキャンなどのデジタルジオメトリフォームでも、Fidelity Pointwiseはお客様のジオメトリモデルに対応できますのでご安心ください。ロバストなカーブドメッシュや境界層メッシュの必要性に対し、フローソルバーは発展を続けている一方で、収束型CFDシミュレーションにおいて最高の効率と精度を確保するためには、理想的なメッシュを使用することが重要です。



Engine Mesh

Fidelity Pointwiseの卓越したメッシュ作成機能を、ワークフローのあらゆる場面で活用してください。Pointwiseは、Fidelityプラットフォーム内、または現在使用されている他のワークフローにエクスポートして、お客様の設計に活用できます。Fidelity Pointwiseは、現在使用されている多くのCFDソリューションに適したフォーマットでメッシュファイルをエクスポートするための開発を行いました。また、ツールだけでなく、既存のスクリプトとグリフデータベースを改善するために、エンジニアチームによる迅速なサポートを受けることができます。さらに、エクスポートとインポートの複雑さが、設計を妨げることはありません。

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Cadence OnCloud Platform for the CFD Simulation

Plan and pricing

Your CFD workflows are due for an upgrade to make the most of your data. High degrees of automation optimize your designs, improve design cycle speeds, and greatly increase simulation accuracy.

  • Excellence in pre-processing technologies
  • Integrated optimization improves accuracy
  • Highly automated, customizable GUI

200 hours. Named user license.

USD $2,000/mo

20 Tokens

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Frequently Asked Questions

Powered By
  • Fidelity Pointwise

    Highly accurate and high speed CFD simulations demand excellence in mesh generation technologies to provide the necessary pre-processing start.

  • Fidelity CFD

    Revolutionize your CFD workflow with pre-processing, solvers, optimization, and post-processing informing under one platform.

    Learn More about Fidelity CFD

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Cadence OnCloud Tokens A Cadence Token is a representative of computational usage giving you access to the tools you desire without the need for long-term contracts or bulky investment in equipment set-up. Read more about tokens in Cadence OnCloud Frequently Asked Questions

1. Subscriptions renew every 30 days with early renewal based on consumption. Plan will auto-renew at current rates. Read the Cadence SAAS Services Terms and Conditions.

2. Free trial is for 8 hours or 30 days, whichever comes first. Payment method required to start free trial. Plan will auto-renew at current rates. Cadence OnCloud Platform is available in limited locations.

3. Cadence University Program academic access is available in limited locations.


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