Complete ISO 26262 and IEC61508 Verification

Comprehensive safety flows for automotive, industrial and aerospace applications with integrated safety analysis, fault campaign management and execution capabilities.

Cadence Safety Solution

As state-of-the-art electronics propel the automotive, industrial, and aerospace industry into a future of more connectivity and autonomy, the development of safety-compliant semiconductors is critical. The Cadence FMEDA-driven Safety Solution consists of products enhanced for advanced safety analysis, safety verification, and safety-aware implementation for digital driving analog and digital full flows.

FMEDA Analysis (Midas)

FMEDA Management with Midas Safety Platform
  • Provides early phase exploration of functional safety architecture
  • Leverages native chip design data to perform accurate safety analysis efficiently
  • Unified across Cadence products and supports both embedded or standalone usage with the Cadence flow
  • Supported on Windows and Linux
Midas Safety Analysis Graphic

Digital Safety Verification (vManager, Xcelium, Jasper)

Fault Simulation with Xcelium™ Safety
  • Leverages Cadence’s leading native serial and concurrent fault simulation technologies to drive the highest performing safety analysis available
  • Machine learning algorithms, coupled with the formal-based flow, dramatically accelerates the overall FMEDA throughput
  • Qualified to be used in safety-related development according to ISO 26262 for any ASIL.


Fault Campaign Management with vManager™ Safety
  • One unified system for verification campaign management across all engines
  • Handles safety verification in both analog and digital domains
  • Enables requirements traceability
  • Automates reporting for required safety documentation


Fault Analysis with Jasper FSV App
  • Applies industry-leading formal techniques to fault analysis 
  • Reduces the simulation fault list by up to 30%
  • Increases safety verification performance
Digital Safety Verification Graphics

Analog / Mixed-Signal Functional Safety (Legato, Spectre)

Automate Analog / Mixed-Signal Functional Safety
  • The Safety solution integrates Spectre® Simulation Platform and Legato™ Reliability Solution
  • Automates launching of analog and mixed-signal fault simulations for different failure modes
  • Generates functional safety diagnostic coverage reports with annotation back into the Midas Safety Platform, accelerating functional safety closure
Midas Safety Platform Graphics

デジタル・インプリメンテーションの安全性 (Genus, Innovus, Conformal)

Automated Safety Mechanism Insertion, Optimization, and Verification
Digital implementation safety graphics

Safety IP (Interface IP, Tensilica)

  • Certified Tensilica Processor Safety Package eases IP integration and device certification activities
  • IP certified as a SEooC against random failures to ASIL-B and ASIL-D standards
  • Hardware and software FuSa design and management processes certified to ASIL-D
  • ISO 26262 compliance certified by independent third-party assessors

ISO 26262 TCL Compliance

Cadence is the first EDA supplier to earn the "Fit for Purpose - Tool Confidence Level" certification up to TCL3, for ISO standards, supporting automotive design from ASIL A through ASIL D.

We provide Functional Safety Documentation Kits to assist automotive suppliers with ASIL certification documentation, streamlining tool use case evaluation, and minimizing tool qualification activities. These kits, evaluated by TÜV SÜD for both current and future tool versions, cover the full spectrum of design and verification and include a safety manual, tool confidence analysis documents, and a TÜV SÜD compliance report.

Download the Automotive Functional Safety Document Kits for digital and analog verification, digital implementation, PCB, and power integrity and thermal analysis.

See what customers have to say about Functional Safety

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