AI-Driven Verification Management

Cadence Verisium Manager automates end-to-end management of complex verification projects from planning to closure. Verisium Manager tightly integrates with the Cadence Verisium Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Driven Verification Platform, leveraging big data and AI to reduce silicon bugs and accelerate time to market. It is built on the Cadence.AI Generative AI Platform, providing the best multi-engine, multi-run, multi-user, and multi-site verification management capabilities.

Industry-Leading Test Suite Management, Verification Planning, and Coverage Closure






わかりやすい計画、分析、およびカバレッジ クロージャのフローと他の Verisium アプリへの接続により、検証の生産性が大幅に向上します。


エンタープライズ グレードの分散型アーキテクチャで構築され、Cadence JedAI プラットフォームと統合された Verisium Manager は、複数のプロジェクトと複数のサイトにわたる検証チームにも対応した、スケーラブルで信頼性の高い、複数ユーザー、複数エンジンに対応したソリューションを提供します。


Verisium Manager provides a wide array of verification management capabilities and aggregates verification closure metrics across Cadence verification engines and applications into a single, intuitive interface.

Verification Planning

Connections to both specifications, requirements management tools (such as Jama, JIRA, and Doors), and native integration with coverage metrics generated by Cadence’s Xcelium, Jasper, Palladium, and Protium platforms allow Verisium Manager to provide the best, most comprehensive multi-engine verification planning solution.

Powerful APIs

A rich portfolio of Python APIs enables direct access to the Verisium Manager data, metrics, and flows to enable customized data mining and test suite automation flows.

Job Scheduling and Execution

Verisium Manager connects with resource management and continuous integration tools such as LSF, Altair Accelerator, and Jenkins, as well as in-rack hardware job management engines on the Palladium and Protium platforms to deliver the highest levels of compute farm utilization.

Coverage Closure Analysis

Verisium Manager provides a comprehensive set of features and utilities for driving coverage closure, from fine-grained, bin-level coverage refinement through management-level dashboards and reporting.

Data at Your Fingertips

A unified browser-based management console provides regression data reporting and aggregation from management-level dashboards through fine-grained deep technical analysis.


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