Accelerate Analog Circuit Design with Fast Physical Feedback

Obtain quick, easy, and accurate physical information about your analog circuit while you develop your schematic. Animate Analog Virtual Prototyping gives you multiple detailed initial layouts of your circuit and helps you spot problems.

You can now visualize the layout and make better decisions earlier in your design flow, reducing costly iterations and optimizing your design process.

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Create Initial Layouts in Seconds for Better Design Decisions in Less Time

Create High-Quality Analog Virtual Prototypes 60% Faster

Accelerate your design process and spot sub-optimal parameterizations, accidentally mismatched devices, and devices with bad layout shapes in seconds

Make Better Decisions Earlier

Get quick and accurate physical circuit information while developing your schematic for a detailed initial layout that helps you spot problems

Effectively Reduce Design Costs

Remove costly iterations between circuit design and layout teams

  • Recognition of analog structures: Animate recognizes common analog structures like current mirrors, differential pairs, and matching devices
  • Create a circuit library: Train your machine by storing your most common analog layout structures in a personalized PDK-independent library
  • Virtual prototypes from the schematic: Automatically generated, physical virtual prototypes enable optimizing circuit device parameters without needing to iterate with your layout team
  • DRC-clean layout: Obeys your process DRC rules and inserts dummy devices, guard rings, and taps, where necessary
  • Fast automatic layout feedback: Cross-probe your design, catch problems, and optimize your circuit parameters the first time around

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