Efficient Driver and Application-Level Testing

SpeedBridge Adapters provide efficient driver and application-level testing. Designed for pre-silicon RTL and integration of ASICs and systems on chip (SoCs), the solution can reproduce post-silicon bugs by providing real IO traffic from physical target systems. The solution verifies emulated designs with real software, including firmware, OS, and application-level software. For select protocols, Cadence provides a fully working server with a SpeedBridge Adapter installed. The EDK’s server BIOS is optimized to work with emulation speeds, avowing software time-out issues. These ready-to-use systems make developing and testing software with the emulated design in Palladium or Protium platforms even easier and faster.

SpeedBridge Adapter
cubes image

Verify Designs by Connecting to Real, At Speed Environments

Industry Standard

Compatible with industry standard interconnection and communication protocols

Real System Conditions

Reduce risk by testing pre-silicon designs with real-world stimulus

Real Time

Increase productivity by running at full speed with the specified target or environment

Easy Setup

Ready-to-use and reusable across designs on both Palladium and Protium platforms

Complete List of SpeedBridge Adapters

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