Designs are getting bigger and more complex. This translates to more challenging power, performance, and area (PPA) targets. It’s a tall engineering order to meet, made tougher with schedules that continue to shrink. The Cadence® integrated digital full flow offers innovations that go across individual tool boundaries through the integration of core engines and key technologies. Using the Cadence digital full flow, you can beat your PPA goals ahead of schedule. Learn how the industry’s leading engineers are using the digital full flow and its underlying products to tackle their company challenges in key vertical segments like hyperscale, 5G, automotive, and artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML).

The semiconductors at the heart of hyperscale data centers and far and near edge applications require the most advanced design techniques in order to power the innovation the cloud offers the world. These chips feature advanced nodes, large design sizes, massive hierarchies, and power concerns with tough schedules.

5G technology is more than just the next generation of cellular networks. It unlocks new opportunities for transportation, communication, networking, and how society operates. These designs require high frequency and low power, on cutting-edge IP, with tough time-to-market deadlines. Predictability and PPA reign supreme.


Functional safety, quality, and reliability meet the perfect storm of challenges that come with advanced-node semiconductors. Designing a leading application that must live inside a safety-critical, high-reliability product requires a full flow approach and the best that your EDA tools can offer.

AI/ML processors offer the opportunity to revolutionize our world. The silicon accelerating this change requires a different approach than traditional processors. Learn how Cadence’s customers are solving these challenges and opening the door to the future.

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