Rapid, Versatile Passive Component Synthesis and Optimization

Cadence EMX Designer provides faster and more flexible passive component synthesis and optimization than traditional software tools. Leveraging the proven accuracy of EMX 3D Planar Solver’s electromagnetic (EM) modeling engine, EMX Designer takes split seconds to produce accurate, DRC-clean parametric cells (PCells) of passive structures for any foundry process node down to 3nm. Featuring a complete library of PCell options, EMX Designer supports a wide variety of inductors, transformers, T-coils, and other types of passive devices.

EMX Designer overview image
EMX Designer supports complex devices such as transformers, comes DRC-clean for all advanced nodes, and includes parametrized shield and metal fill as PCell options
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Blazing Fast Synthesis Offers Significant Productivity Gains

Dramatically Reduce Design Time

Generate solutions in seconds based on user-defined constraints with extremely flexible PCells allowing maximum customization

Boost Productivity

Synthesize optimal, DRC-clean layouts of complex passive structures for floorplan efficiency and save silicon area

Ultimate Design Flow Integration

Seamless integration with Virtuoso Design Platform ensures creation and updating of required views with options for optimization and plotting

Unparalleled Accuracy

Create the most accurate, trustworthy EM models, powered by EMX 3D Planar Solver

The Most Flexible PCells of Passive Components

  • Complete library of passive device PCells, comprising inductors, transformers, T-coils, and more
  • Parametrized metal fill and shielding
  • Maximum flexibility through a long list of PCell parameters, including tapering, aspect ratio, via patterning, and many more
  • Foundry/PDK agnostic, supports any process node and metal stack option down to 3nm
  • Generates truly DRC-clean structures, callbacks protect users from DRC rules violation