Address Peak Needs Easily with On-Demand, Cloud-Based Emulation and Prototyping

The growth of design sizes and costs are driving an ever-growing compute demand for design verification. Customers are looking to seamlessly leverage the public cloud to augment their internal compute resources. The comprehensive Cadence Cloud Portfolio anticipates this need by offering the Cadence Palladium and Protium Cloud platform, a managed emulation and prototyping solution offering secure and easy access to pre-purchased gate capacity. The Palladium and Protium Cloud extends to the public cloud a capability that had traditionally been deployed only in on-premises labs, turning what would have been a capital expenditure into an operational expense, and allowing customers to augment their environmental resources with on-demand, cloud-based emulation and prototyping hardware. As a directly delivered, cloud-based emulation environment hosted in a professionally managed, Cadence-contracted data center, the Palladium and Protium Cloud allows existing customers to address peak needs easily while bringing emulation hardware access and benefits to new customers and markets.

Palladium and Protium Cloud - Cadence Managed diagram

OpEx Availability with No IT Overhead to Install and Manage Hardware

Capacity on Demand

Address changing project needs when and as they are needed

Uncompromised Access and Versatility

Supports all Palladium and Protium usage modes, along with access to SpeedBridge Adapters

Tested and Secure

Customer data is safe and secure from any potential threats

Fulfill Project or Peak Capacity Needs with Virtual and Physical Interfaces and Synthesizable Testbench

Capacity On-Demand

Palladium and Protium Cloud gives customers short-term access to dynamically scalable emulation and prototyping capacity. Activating capacity when needed helps overcome critical project milestones to help meet market windows. Palladium and Protium Cloud instantly enables more copies of a model to be run for increased throughput and is the perfect insurance policy to guard against unanticipated design size increases.

Palladium Cloud capacity can be ordered in increments of 32 million gates up to a peak of 2 billion gates, while Protium Cloud can be ordered in increments for 150 million up to a peak of 1.2 billion gates. In addition, Palladium and Protium Cloud can be combined with Cadence Managed Cloud Service to provide a complete, cloud-hosted design flow or environment.


The Palladium and Protium Cloud provides uncompromised access to all use modes, flows, and accessories that are available on the Palladium and Protium platforms. Building on over 25 years of experience and innovation in emulation and prototyping, customers can implement any setup in Palladium and Protium Cloud that they would implement on their own premises. Whether implementing in-circuit emulation with Cadence SpeedBridge Adapters, virtual emulation, simulation acceleration, or hybrid CPU emulation with Cadence Helium Virtual and Hybrid Studio, customers can use Palladium and Protium Cloud to replicate their setup to address peak demands in the project.

Combining the Palladium and Protium Cloud with the Cloud Passport or Managed Cloud Service adds additional versatility. With the Managed Cloud Service, the Palladium and Protium Cloud can be connected to a secure, managed cloud chamber to create an entire verification cloud or complete end-to-end design environment.


Hosted in a professionally managed, Cadence-contracted, 2N fully redundant data center, the Palladium and Protium Cloud builds on over a decade of experience of hosted designs to provide a tested and secure environment for customer data. All the computing elements in the chamber, including the emulator, are data isolated from other chambers. Using a patented architecture, sound information security, and industry best practices—plus years of experience—Cadence ensures that customer data is safe and secure from any potential threats.

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