Microwave Office for RF Designers—Manage Your RF and Microwave Challenges

RF design is challenging. And requires specialized EDA tools to meet size, weight, performance, and cost requirements.

Cadence® AWR® Microwave Office® is the design environment for RF and microwave circuit design. It’s used to create everything from wireless III-V chips for 5G mobile and base station components to phased array radar systems and related communication technologies.

The new Cadence training course, Microwave Office for RF Designers, is an in-depth dive into RF and microwave-centric design topics and contains slides, audio, and interactive lab exercises.

It’s available 24/7—so you can manage your learning curve and be productive in no time.

The Online course is free for all Cadence customers with a support account.

Check out the class details: https://www.cadence.com/en_US/home/training/all-courses/86282.html

Or log onto https://support.cadence.com to get started right away.

Last Modified: June 8, 2023