Improve CFD Efficiency with Solution-Based Mesh Adaptation

Simulation efficiency and accuracy are critical to simulation-driven design. Concerted efforts have been made to develop flexible and robust methodologies, which enable rapid and repeatable execution of efficient and accurate computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. Mesh adaptation technology is the framework upon which engineers are empowered to make more informed decisions earlier in the design process. To extend this concept, Pointwise provides a mechanism for solution-driven, solver-independent mesh adaptation that maintains adherence to geometry – which is vitally important. Curious as to how Pointwise mesh adaptation can be applied to your engineering simulation workflow? In this webinar, Nick Wyman from Pointwise and Paul Galpin from ISimQ discuss, in detail, how to develop a solution-based mesh adaptation schema. Watch this webinar to learn how mesh adaptation can accelerate the convergence rate by 50 percent or more while also improving accuracy.

Last Modified: September 21, 2023