Clarity 3D Transient Solver for Accurate Pre-Fabrication Electromagnetic Interference Signoff

Today’s electromagnetic signoff and compliance analysis tools are crippled when it comes to accurate system-level modeling and can only simulate at the module or sub-module level. As a result, the only reliable way to achieve certification is to use anechoic chamber pre-compliance testing, which can take multiple iterations, and weeks of effort that is costly. Cadence Clarity 3D Solver and Clarity 3D Transient Solver empower you with extraction and test-measurement accuracy, offering you the required accuracy for pre-fabrication electromagnetic interference (EMI) signoff and electromagnetic (EM) radiation compliance analysis. Clarity solvers use an architecture that leverages massively parallel, distributed computing to scale simulation capacity and performance by up to 10x to handle the full system analysis. This enables delivery of a design that is signoff and compliance-ready for certification, reducing dependence on pre-compliance anechoic chambers during the design process.

Last Modified: September 21, 2023