Automating Viscous Meshing for a Transonic Aircraft Model Using Glyph Scripting

Pointwise's scripting language – called Glyph – can speed up your turnaround time by enhancing the reliability and repeatability of the meshing process through automation. This webinar will demonstrate appropriate meshing strategies while automating the grid generation process using Glyph for the NASA Common Research Model from the 4th AIAA Drag Prediction Workshop. Being able to accurately obtain force and moment coefficients is crucial to the prediction of an aircraft's behavior and ultimately its performance. This involves simulating an aircraft during different phases of flight and various configurations. Reliably completing such complex simulations does not depend upon computational hardware alone, but also on mesh quality and the amount of time spent in meshing. This webinar will explain Glyph scripting techniques that address these two important factors in the mesh generation process.

Last Modified: September 21, 2023